Session B6a


Tuesday 10:20 - 12:00, ECCR 151

Session Chair:  Richard James

10:20 J. Dolbow, V. Korchagin, D. Stepp, and M. Williams, “Investigating failure in stimulus-responsive hydrogels”

10:40 I. Jasiuk and C. Wang, “Scale and boundary conditions effects on elastic moduli of trabecular bone”

11:00 G. Thiagarajan, K.P. Deshmukh, L.J. Katz, P. Spencer, and Y. Wang, “Nano finite element modeling of the mechanical behavior of biocomposites using multi-scale (virtual internal bond) finite element models”

11:20 A. Chien, A. Mal, and C. Montemagno, “Non-invasive determination of human myocardial wall stress with in vivo physiological parameters”

11:40 K. Eom,D.E. Makarov, and G.J. Rodin, “Strong protein chains as optimal structures”

Session B6b


Tuesday 1:00 - 2:40, ECCR 151

Session Chair:  Ajit Mal 

1:00 R.D. James, “A quantitative description of the invasion of bacteriophage T4”

1:40 X. Chen, Y. Tang, G. Cao, J. Yoo, Q. Cui, and A. Yethiraj, “A finite element simulation of the gating of mechanosensitive channels in cells”

2:00 T. van Dillen, T. Koeman, P.R. Onck, B. Roossien, and E. van der Giessen, “The origin of stiffening in cross-linked semiflexible networks”

2:20  J.E. Rim, W.S. Klug, and M. Ortiz, “A director-field model of membrane packing in mitochondria”